We are Angel NX and we are solving business problem by Making of Innovative Applications for Regular...
We are Angel NX and we are solving business problem by Making of Innovative Applications for Regular Usage and Business Purpose. CALCULATOR App gives you all functionality of CITIZEN CALCULATOR with additional functionality including GST buttons of +3%, +5%, +12%, +18%, +28% and -3%, -5%, -12%, -18%, -28% with just one Single Click for India. Calculate like Citizen Calculator and many other calculators. Calculator App holds many features for simple calculation like (+) Addition, (-) Subtraction, (*) Multiplication, (/) Divide and (%) Percentage. M+, M-, MR, GT, MU (Mark Up) which are used to get profit ratio when you want to give discounts on your products. Calculator App is also useful for some options of scientific calculator.CALCULATOR APP Key Features:-* CALCULATOR* GST OR TAX CALCULATOR * LOAN EMI CALCULATOR* UNIT CONVERTER* CURRENCY CALCULATOR* AGE CALCULATORCALCULATOR CALCULATOR is one of the best calculator app with many features same as CITIZEN or ORPAT CALCULATOR for your regular use, Business and financial calculator. GST OR TAX CALCULATOR GST CALCULATOR gives all functionality of GST and TAX Calculation for All country with just one Single Click. GST CALCULATOR APP Calculate CGST, SGST and IGST, Include GST, Exclude GST with Single Click. You can also Share your GST calculations.ADD GST or TAX :- Calculate any Number of GST or TAX like +3%, +18%, +28%,+1.8, +2 , +15, +0.1, +12.3, + 40.8, Etc.SUBSTRACT GST or TAX :- Calculate any Number of GST or TAX like -3%, -5.9%, -12%, -6, -22, -0.9, -17.6, - 33.3, Etc.LOAN EMI CALCULATORLoan EMI Calculator also has feature of Loan Calculator by which you can calculate Loan EMI, Loan amount, Loan interest rate, Loan period, Loan Installment Amount and Calculate EMI on monthly and Yearly basis.USEFUL FOR:Personal Loans - Home Loan - Mortgage Loan - Business Loan - CC or Overdraft Loan - Auto Loan - Business OverdraftUNIT CONVERTER :-1. Area:- Square Kilometer, Hectare, Square Meter, square Mile, Acre, Square yard, Foot, Inch.2. Length:- Kilometer, Meter, Centimeter, Millimeter, mile, Yard, Nautical Mile.3. Temperature:- Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin.4. Volume:- Cubic meter, Liter, Milliliter, Cubic Foot, pint, US gal, Quart, Pint, Cup, Oz, tbsp,tsp.5. Mass/weight:- Metric Ton, Kg, Gram, Milligram, Mcg, Long Ton, Short Ton, Stone, Pounds, Ounce, Tons.6. Speed:- Miles/hour, Feet/Sec, Meters/Sec, Km/hour, Knot.7. Fuel Consumption:- MPG (US), MPG (imp.), km/liter, liter/100km8. Digital Storage:- Bit, Byte, Kilobit, Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabit, Terabit, Terabyte, , Petabyte.9. Time :- Nanosecond, Micro &Milli second, Second, Minute, Hour, Day, Week, Month, Year, Decade, Century.CURRENCY CONVERTER :-Currency Converter is best for live exchange rate. You can show Update exchange rate and Every Minute it will be Automatically Update.All Country Currency included European Countries, Asian Countries, American Countries , African Countries, Middle East, like USA, Canada, India, Australia, America , China, Japan , Pakistan, France , Germany, Spain, United Kingdom, South Africa, Brazil, Malaysia, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Etc...AGE CALCULATOR :-Age Calculator is one more best Feature of Calculator App Where you can calculate your Age in Year, Month, Weeks, days, Hours, Minutes and Second. Also you can show your Next Birthday by Days for Next 10 years With Days.SETTINGBy Setting Option, We can change Sound and Vibration Mode. You can ON/OFF Sound and Vibration. You can also send us your suggestions by Help of Setting Feature “Suggestion”.Calculator APP is very useful for Financial Calculator, Business Calculator, Office Calculator, Tax Calculator, GST Calculator, Shop Calculator, MSME Calculator, MU Calculator, Tax plus Calculator, Student Calculator, Etc…Any suggestions from user are welcomed. If you like our application please Rate our App CALCULATOR and Share with you Group.